V-Room Glider

The flight characteristics of the larger models you can test in bad weather at home on small room-sized gliders cutted out of EPP boards.

building plan to download

Building materials:

  • EPP foam board with thickness of 3 mm and 6 mm
  • a little piece of lead/small neodymium magnets for balancing the aircraft
  • A4 sheets of paper for templates (common copy paper is sufficient, but better is paper a little heavier)
  • thin CA glue with accelerator


  • cutter (snap off knife, scalpel)
  • cutting mat
  • metal ruler
  • felt tip pen (soft pencil)

We will print the template and cut it out of the paper.

From 6 mm thick EPP board cut out according to the template the fuselage profile.

From 3 mm thick board cut out according to the tempate the v-tail and wing parts.

If the wing is splitted with dihedral we shave off the glued edge of end parts in the desired angle.

We will assemble the parts of the wing with CA glue with accelrator. In the nose we cut/drill a small hole for the balance load. As a balance load proved small neodymium magnets, which are inserted into some paper folders. Balance load made from magnets is easy to “;tune up”.

Tips for the activities with room-sized gliders:

  • you can experiment with construction – classic tal or v-tail; wing dihedral; gull wing or straight wing
  • throw with landing on spot; on distance; on time
  • parasite aircraft tossed off with RC dron/bigger RC aircraft
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